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February 03, 2007


Sandy Kemsley

Any further thoughts on this, given the apparent implosion of BPMG?

George Van Antwerp

Sandy - Good question. It doesn't change my opinion on which site offers better and more recent content. It does beg the question of association versus consulting business.

Now, I don't know a lot about the BPMG "implosion" but I expect we will see a few consulting groups come out of it. In that, I think the BPMG challenge was one of any small consulting group focused on a single topic.

ABPMP (as I have always said) has the right concept, but it is difficult to maintain with part-time resources. Somehow, they need to develop more content, refresh the site more often, and leverage the concept beyond holding meetings. I can do that for free.

All I can do is help develop the local community and share thoughts through the blog.

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